Dandan Lin


Dr. Dandan Lin received her Ph.D. degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong. Before Joining HKUST, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree of Engineering from South China University of Technology (SCUT) in 2015. She has published papers on prestigious international conferences and journals on database and data mining areas, including ICDE, ICDM, CIKM, and TKDD etc. She also served as Program Committee Member of international top-tier conferences such as SDM2024, PAKDD2024, KDD2023, CIKM2023, SIGSPATIAL2023, PAKDD2023, CIKM2022, PAKDD2022, SSTD2021, CIKM2021, PAKDD2021 and etc. Before joining SICS, she worked as an applied reserach at WeChat in Tencent where she focuses on improving recommendation performence by utilizting Graph Neural Networks.

Research Interests

- Large-scale graph analysis, especially similarity measures including Personalized PageRank (PPR) and Manifold Ranking (MR)

- Efficient algorithms with rigorous bounds on billion-scale networks

- Effective Graph Neural Networks

- Recommendation System

- Scalable Deep Graph Learning System Design

- Graph-based Mining


1. Jiawei Zheng, Hao Gu, Chonggang Song, Dandan Lin, and etc. “Dual Interests-Aligned Graph Auto-Encoders for Cross-domain Recommendation in WeChat”. The Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), Birmingham, UK, 2023. 

2. Dandan Lin, Victor Junqiu Wei, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong. “Effective and Scalable Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound”. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), pp1-31, Vol. 17, No. 5, April 2023.

3. Dandan Lin, Shijie Sun, Jingtao Ding, Xuehan Ke and etc. “PlatoGL: Effective and Scalable Deep Graph Learning System for Graph-enhanced Real-Time Recommendation”. The Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022.

4. Yong Gao, Huifeng Guo, Dandan Lin, Yingxue Zhang and etc.“Content Filtering Enriched GNN Framework for News Recommendation”. In arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.12681.

5. Dandan Lin, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Min Xie, and Victor Junqiu Wei. “Index-Free Approach with Theoretical Guarantee for Efficient Random Walk with Restart Query”. The 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020), Dallas, Texas, USA on April 20-24, 2020. (Acceptance = 129/662 = 19.49%)

6. Dandan Lin, Victor Junqiu Wei, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong. “First Index-Free Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound”. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), Beijing, China on November 8-11, 2019. (Acceptance = 194/1046 = 18.55%)


- Annual Outstanding Tech Article Collection, WeChat, May 2023

- Open Source Collaboration Award, Tencent Inc., Dec 2022 

- Best Tech KM Article in April 2022, WeChat, Sep. 2022

- Business Breakthrough of the Year Award, Tencent Inc., Dec 2021

- Overseas High-Caliber Personnel (深圳海外高層次人(rén)才), Shenzhen Government, Aug. 2021

- Research Travel Grant, HKUST, Jan. 2020

- Student Travel Grant, jointly sponsored by the NSF, IEEE TCII, and ICDM2019, Nov. 2019

- The Second Runner-up of Hong Kong Computer Inteligence Competition, Hong Kong Chapter, IEEE, Aug. 2019

- Best Poster(非凡潛力獎), Didi Chuxing, Inc., Jun. 2017

- Ph.D. Scholarship, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2015-2020

- Outstanding Graduate, South China University of Technology, Jul. 2015

- National Scholarship (twice), South China University of Technology, Oct. 2012 and Oct. 2013

- First Prize Student Scholarship, South China University of Technology, Oct. 2014

- Third Grade of Hong Ping Chang Qing Scholarship, South China University of Technology, May. 2014

- Third Prizer of the IBM Master the Mainframe Contest China, Nov. 2013

- First Prizer of the IBM Master the Mainframe Contest China (SCUT), Jun. 2013