Rui MaoPhD

Executive Dean of Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science
Deputy Dean (Research, Foreign Affairs), School of Computer and Software, Shenzhen University
Deputy Director, National Engineering Laboratory of Big Data System Computing Technology
Research Interests

Universal data management and analysis in metric space, distance-based/metric-space indexing, content-based similarity query of multimedia/biological data, parallel computing and applications;

data mining, database, statistical methods, machine learning, bioinformatics.

Selected Publications in Metric-space Data Management
  • Guoliang Chen, Rui Mao*, Kezhong Lu, A parallel computing framework for big data. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2017, 11(4): 608-621.
  • Guoliang Chen, Rui Mao, Kezhong Lu, Hao Liao, Mingyang Zhou, Gang Liu, and Lian Li. Theoretical foundations of big data computing – parallel and interactive computing. Higher Education Press, 2017.10
  • Rui Mao, Peihan Zhang, Xingliang Li, Xi Liu, Minhua Lu. Pivot selection for metric-space indexing, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2016, 7 (2): 311-323.
  • Guolilang Chen, Rui Mao* and Kezhong Lu. Parallel computing framework for big data. Chinese science bulletin, 2015, 60(5/6): 566-569. (Cover story)
  • Rui Mao, Honglong Xu, Wenbo Wu, Jianqiang Li, Yan Li, and Minhua Lu. Overcoming the Challenge of Variety: Big Data Abstraction, the Next Evolution of Data Management for AAL Communication Systems. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015, 53 (1), 42-47.
  • Rui Mao, Sheng Liu, Honglong Xu, Dian Zhang and Daniel P. Miranker, On Data Partitioning in Tree Structure Metric-Space Indexes, in the Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2014), pages 141-155, April 21-24, 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Rui Mao, Willard L. Miranker and Daniel P. Miranker, Pivot Selection: Dimension Reduction for Distance-Based Indexing, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Elsevier, Volume 13, May 2012, Pages 32-46.
  • Rui Mao, Willard L. Miranker and Daniel P. Miranker, Dimension Reduction for Distance-Based Indexing, in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on SImilarity Search and APplications (SISAP2010), pages 25-32, Istanbul, Turkey, September 18 – 19, 2010. (Best paper)       

Awards / Titles (selected)        

  • 2016 Second Level Military Science and Technology Award.
  • 2014 Second Level Science and Technology Award by the Ministry of Education: Personal high performance computer systems based on Loongson CPU.
  • High-Level Professional in Shenzhen (Local-Level Talent), 2019-2023
  • Overseas High-Caliber Personnel in Shenzhen (Level C), 2015-2020      

Academic Services (selected)        

Research Projects (selected)        

  • PI: “Big data genhierarchy and its effectiveness”, National Key R&D Program of China:2018YFB1003201, 06/2018 ~ 05/2021
  • Co-PI: “A parallel processing system for in-memory computing”, China 863 project: 2015AA015305, 01/2015 ~ 12/2017
  • Co-PI: “Research and development of high productivity computing applicational software framework”, China 863 project: 2012AA01A309, 01/2012 ~ 12/2015
  • PI: “Metric space indexing based on the pivot space model”, NSF-China: 61170076, 01/2012 ~ 12/2015
